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Parity Lab’s New Partnership with DAWN Worldwide 🤝

Parity Lab is delighted to partner with DAWN Worldwide (Direct Action for Women Now) to continue building an ecosystem of support for grassroots organizations led by rural women leaders fighting gender-based violence in India. This partnership will strengthen the capacity of visionary and passionate change-makers at the partner organizations to address violence against women and girls, and create sustainable change from the bottom-up!

With DAWN’s financial support and mentorship, Parity Lab will be able to expand operations on site in India. This will be key to enriching Parity Lab’s acceleration program, catalyzing grassroots organizations, and developing deep relationships with the organizations and communities that they support. A new full-time Strategy and Operations Lead will work extensively with the partner organizations based in marginalized rural communities.

“It takes visionary funders like DAWN to fund early-stage organizations like ours to bring in catalytic long-term change to this sector. We are very grateful and excited to work closely with the DAWN Worldwide team over the next year,” said Mathangi, Founder of Parity Lab.

"This partnership with Parity Lab will lead us to challenge the existing structure and systems that hinder gender equality", said Geeta Aiyer, Co-Founder, DAWN WorldWide. “My team and I are committed to supporting marginalized community leaders that lead the way and are brave in finding solutions to make a profound impact in their communities".


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